The Palace Museum is housed in the Forbidden City, the world's largest and best-preserved wooden palace complex, which possesses a collection of more than 1.86 million priceless treasures. The imperial architecture of the Ming and Qing dynasties and the rich collections that reside here together represent the crystallization of human civilization and wisdom; their contemporary significance—including historical, cultural, aesthetic, scientific and technological values—deserve our continuous exploration. It has been our constant academic focus to explore how to better protect, research, interpret, display and transmit the history and culture contained in the Forbidden City and its collections.
In keeping with our innovative, open, and collaborative approach to academic research, the Palace Museum is inaugurating the Taihe Visiting Scholar Fellowship Programme ('Taihe Fellowship') to support outstanding academics from outside the Chinese mainland to conduct academic research and exchanges at the Palace Museum. Starting from 2022, the Taihe Fellowship, named after the grandest architectural structure in the Forbidden City, will be awarded to visiting museum professionals and scholars from higher learning and academic institutions outside the Chinese mainland. Detailed information is as follows:
1. What We Support
The key research interests that the Programme supports mainly include: imperial architecture of the Ming and Qing dynasties; the history and culture behind the Palace Museum collections; historical books, documents, and archives in the collection of the Palace Museum; the conservation and scientific research of heritage objects; and archaeological research.
2. Whom We Support
The Programme supports both senior and young academics from outside the Chinese mainland engaged in research on Chinese history and culture, as well as related fields. Applicants must present two letters of recommendation. One recommender shall be the head of the institution with which the applicant is affiliated, and the other an expert at another institution.
3. Scale and Duration
The Programme plans to award fellowships to 1-5 visiting academics for the year 2023. The duration of the fellowship will range from 3-6 months.
4. What We Cover
The Programme and Ng Teng Fong Charitable Foundation Limited special funds will cover the costs of round-trip air tickets, apartment in Beijing, living expenses, round-trip transportation and accommodation for one academic tour in Chinese mainland, and necessary insurance costs and expenses for COVID prevention, etc.
5. Self-financing
We encourage applicants who are able to finance themselves. Where applications are otherwise equal, self-financing applicants will be preferred.
6. How to Apply
Applicants must complete the 'The Palace Museum Taihe Visiting Scholar Fellowship Programme Application Form (2022)' in Chinese or English and send both the hard and electronic copies to the Taihe Scholar Fellowship Programme Office at the Palace Museum before October 20, 2022.
Address: Research Administration Department, The Palace Museum, No. 4 Jingshanqianjie, Dongcheng District, Beijing, People's Republic of China
Postcode: 100009
Letters of recommendation should also be sent to the same address and by the same deadline.
7. Applicants will be notified of the result by email.
We sincerely welcome your participation!
故宫博物院 The Palace Museum
2022年8月29日 August 29, 2022
Attachment 1: The Palace Museum Taihe Visiting Scholar Fellowship Programme Application Form (2023)
Attachment 2: Letter of Recommendation for theTaihe Visiting Scholar Fellowship Programme